Georgia Kirby Memorial Fund
Applicant must be African American.
Applicant must be African American.
Undergraduate/Graduate, 2.5 GPA or higher, in NA region.
English major, attend Prairie View A&M, merit.
Female graduate of a Newark, New Jersey high school who has completed one full year of post-high school education.
Undergraduate/graduate, female, member, law, medicine, political science, journalism, public policy, criminal justice, social work, women's or African-American studies majors, Essay-250 words or less on a social justice issue they are advocating for or want to advocate for and why they are seeking scholarship money.
Graduate student, attending college in North-Atlantic region.
Undergraduate/graduate, male or female, science or business majors, attend HBCU, 3.0 gpa or above.
High school, undergraduate, 3.0 GPA or above, math/science major.
Undergraduate or graduate, female, member, research/writing fields.
Law or public service majors, preferred Mid-Western school attendance, 3.0 GPA or above.