Mary Hogan Smith Endowed Scholarship Fund
Female undergraduate students from the Great Lakes Region with at least a 3.0 GPA
Female undergraduate students from the Great Lakes Region with at least a 3.0 GPA
Undergraduate African- American male students who are pursing careers in the construction industry
Members of the sorority who are interested in a career change or re-entering the workforce
Students who are studying law, finance or business with at least 2.5 GPA who lives in Michigan
Undergraduate female students from the Great Lakes Region
2.5 gpa or above, undergraduate or graduate, male or female
Undergraduate, 3.0 GPA or above, essay topic "how they see their role in leadership and service".
Contact the Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. (800-653- 6528) for more information.
Contact the Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. (800-653- 6528) for more information.
Undergraduate, female, member, 3.0 GPA or above.