Dansby Family Scholarship Fund
Dansby descendant high school graduates entering college, undergraduate.
Dansby descendant high school graduates entering college, undergraduate.
Female, graduate, 3.0 GPA or above.
Undergraduate, male or female.
African American female, undergraduate, sophomore level or higher, graduate student, 2.9 GPA or above, reside in SC region, attend Prairie View A&M University.
Contact the Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. (1-800-653-6528) for more information.
Undergraduate/graduate students.
Applicant must have 3.0 GPA or above.
Sophomore level or higher, undergraduate, 2.0 GPA or above.
Undergraduate, graduate, or technical student, resides in South Carolina, attends school in South Carolina, sophomore level or higher, acceptance letter if entering graduate school, 3.0 GPA or higher, demonstrated community service.
Undergraduate, female, member.