The General Member HBCU Student Emergency Fund
The narrative statement shall include a 500 word or less statement describing the case of emergency or hardship. Include 2 official letters and documents from the University to justify need.
The narrative statement shall include a 500 word or less statement describing the case of emergency or hardship. Include 2 official letters and documents from the University to justify need.
Graduating high school students with at least a 2.8 GPA. A resident of Hawaii and must have participated in Lambda Chi Omega's Miss Fasionetta presentation
Undergraduate African- American male students who are pursing careers in the construction industry
Members of the sorority who are interested in a career change or re-entering the workforce
Students in Houston
Single women with at least one child who are returning to College or University. Must have at least a 3.5 GPA
2.5 gpa or above, undergraduate or graduate, male or female
2.5 gpa or above, from North Atlantic Region
Undergraduate, 3.0 GPA or above, essay topic "how they see their role in leadership and service".
Contact the Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. (800-653- 6528) for more information.