Flossie M. Dedmond Educational Fund
Sophomore or beyond, creative writing/ journalism major.
Sophomore or beyond, creative writing/ journalism major.
English major, attend Prairie View A&M, merit.
Female graduate of a Newark, New Jersey high school who has completed one full year of post-high school education.
Undergraduate, math/science major, attend HBCU.
Undergraduate, HBCU in Maryland, education, 3.0 GPA or above.
African American, undergraduate, teacher education major, 3.0 GPA or above, NA region.
Female, college freshmen, 3.0 GPA or above, attend school or reside in NA or SA region.
Undergraduate, STEM major.
Graduate student, attending college in North-Atlantic region.
Undergraduate/graduate, male or female, science or business majors, attend HBCU, 3.0 gpa or above.