Search Results

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Search Results

The Barbara W. Davis Mid-Atlantic Region Endowment Fund

Graduate and Undergraduate, member, sophomore level or higher, enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education, in the MA region.

The Boswell Family Next Step Scholarship Award Endowment Fund

Undergraduate Students majoring in STEM at Prairie View A+M University with a 3.0 GPA. Must be at least a sophomore or beyond

The Charlene D. Carodine Endowed Scholarship Fund

African American females pursuing a degree in Social Work. Must be a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Attending an HBCU with at least a 3.0 GPA

The Charm City Pearls Foundation, Incorporated / Psi Phi Omega Chapter Higher Education Scholars Program

To provide financial support and encourage the pursuit of college education for students who attend community college or a HBCU in the state of Maryland.

Deadline April 15

The Cultured Pearls of Tau Pi Omega

Applicant must have 3.0 GPA or above.

The Elizabeth Ross Dargan Endow Scholarship Fund (Alpha Lampbda Omega Chapter)

Undergraduate junior or senior, or graduate student, 3.0 GPA or above, enrolled at an accredited college/university, demonstrate community service and leadership.

The Eta Lambda Omega Foundation Fund

Contact The Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. (1-800-653-6528) for more information.

The General Member HBCU Student Emergency Fund

The narrative statement shall include a 500 word or less statement describing the case of emergency or hardship. Include 2 official letters and documents from the University to justify need.

Deadline 4/1

The Geraldine Adams Care for Others Scholarship Fund

Must demonstrate leadership capabilities Must show active involvement in the community Write a 100-250 word essay describing why community service is important to you Have a 2.5 or better grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale Participate in activities such as 1)Feeding the hungry 2)Helping the elderly 3)Helping neighbors

The Grace B. Strauther Endowment Fund

Female undergraduate students.

The Great Lakes Rise up Endowment Fund

Graduating seniors who are members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Must be in their last semester and in financial need.

The Gwendolyn J. Brinkley Endowment Fund

Open to Undergraduate and Graduate students.

The Honorable Dr. Barbara Odom-Wesley Spirit of Achievement Scholarship Fund

Graduating female high school senior living in Tarrant County or Grand Prairie Texas. Attending a 2 or 4-year college or university

The Honorable Elzie Odom Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship Fund

Graduating male high school senior living in Tarrant County or Grand Prairie Texas. Attending a 2 or 4-year college or university

The Joyce Rush Gilchrist Scholarship Fund

Undergraduate and Graduate Students with at least a 2.8 GPA studying business or education at an HBCU



The Toni S. Kendrick Educational Endowment Fund

Female, undergraduate, elementary education major, member, 3.0 GPA or above, from GL region.

The V.I.P. Pearls of Orange County, New York Interest Group

African American High School Senior who lives in Orange County, NY. College-bound with a least a 2.5 GPA.

Thelma K. Evans Cancer Research Endowment Fund

To provide assistance to students engaged in cancer research or working with institutions/ organizations that are involved in cancer research.

Theta Mu Omega Eugenia Dean Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund

Graduate student, education major.

Theta Theta Omega Lois E. Bolden Memorial Scholarship Fund

Undergraduate students from Clark County, NV who attend an HBCU.

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