Search Results

Below is a list of opportunities that match your search criteria.

Search Results

Raygene C. Paige, Endowment Fund

Female, undergraduate, education major, attend HBCU, attend school or reside in SE region, AKA member.

Rayverne Baskin Wilson Endowment Fund

Undergraduate students with at least a 2.5 GPA

RG Wilson Health Endowment Fund

Undergraduate/graduate students, health fields major.

Rho Chi Omega Cultured Pearls Endowment Scholarship Fund

Undergraduate students with at least a 2.5 GPA

Rho Delta Omega Chapter Endowment Fund

Undergraduate students in the Far Western Region

Rho Omicron Omega Endowment Fund

Graduating seniors from Baytown Texas Community High School.

Rho Pi Omega Sisterhood of Service Fund

Undergraduate, African American, sophomore level or higher.

Rho Zeta Omega Chapter Endowment Fund

Female, graduate student, reside in SA region, 3.0 GPA or above, HBCU, acceptance letter to graduate school.

Rita White Roberts Scholarship

Sophomore, 3.0 GPA or above, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering majors, from SC region.

Robinson Family: Elsie M. Robinson Dodson Civil Rights Legacy Endowment

Male and Female undergraduate students from the state of Arkansas

Rosa Parks Fellowship

To support individuals and projects involved in finding nonviolent solutions to human problems.

Deadline April 15

Rosalind Barnes Griffin Endowment Fund

To training towards treatment of mental health.

Deadline April 15

Rose Butler Brown Scholarship Fund

Undergraduate or graduate, female, attend school in NA region, education major.

Ruby Batts Archie Endowment Fund

Female, undergraduate or graduate member, 3.0 GPA or above, education major, member, from MA region.

Rust College Endowment Fund

Male/female, undergraduate, attend Rust College, live in SE region, 2.5 GPA or above.

Ruth C. Easley Gerontology Scholarship Fund

African American, undergraduate or graduate, female, geriatric health or health service for elderly.

Ruth Coleman Endowment Fund

Contact the Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. (800-653-6528) for more information.

Ruth Simmons Endowment Fund

Undergraduate students attending Dillard University

Sadie Sermon Mickle and Hortense Caldwell-Harvey Endowed Scholarship Fund

Pursue careers in: government service (including law and politics), science, technology, healthcare (including research), journalism, business, and the entertainment field (including acting, directing, writing, design, etc.), 2.0 GPA or higher.

Sandi Sumbry (Miss Fashionetta) Pearls of Paradise Foundation Scholarship Fund

Graduating high school students with at least a 2.8 GPA. A resident of Hawaii and must have participated in Lambda Chi Omega's Miss Fasionetta presentation

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