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Pamela Lynne Redden, MD, Great Lakes Wellness Fund

Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc, GL region.

Patrica Moore Batten Scholarship Fund

Open to female graduate students.

Patricia and Theresa Massey Endowment Fund

Undergraduate, female, 3.0 GPA or above, from NA region, nursing or computer science major, member.

Patricia Petty Wilson Endowed Scholarship Fund

Undergraduate female, 3.0 GPA or above, member, GL region.

Pearl L. Harrison Fine Arts Endowment Fund

Attend HBCU or from NJ, Music or Fine Arts major, preferably piano, advisor letter of recommendation, professor of piano/music letter of recommendation.

Pearls of Loudoun Psi Rho Omega Chapter Endowment

Female or Male, African-American high school graduate who attended a Loudoun County VA high school or lived in Loudoun County Virginia at the time of high school, currently enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution, 2.7 GPA or above, demonstrates community service and involvement.

Pearls of Promise Foundations Ivyletts Scholarship Fund

Graduates of the Ivyletes program from the Pearls of Promise Foundation. Female undergraduate students with at least a 3.0 GPA. Residing in the Great Lakes Region.

Peggy Lewis LeCompte Endowment Fund

Undergraduate female students, Majoring in Education (Language Arts/English), Attending school in the Central Region (Illinois, WIsconsin, Indiana, Kentucky, St. Louis, Cape Girardeau.

Phi Epsilon Omega Chapter P.E.A.R.L. Scholarship Fund

Must be from or attend school in Harvey, IL and surrounding communities.

Phi Kappa Omega Chapter EAF Scholarship Fund

High school graduate, resident of Cook County, African-American, 3.0 GPA or higher, entering four year degree granting college/university (acceptance letter).

Phi Lambda Omega Chapter Endowment Fund

Undergraduate/graduate students, 2.5 GPA or above, attend college/university in Tennessee.

Phi Phi Omega Scholarship

Female, undergraduate, 2.5 GPA or above, attend HBCU.

Phi Xi Omega Endowment Fund

Male/female, undergraduate, 2.5 GPA or above, reside in SC region.

Phyllis Eleanor Robinson Fund

Must be from GL region, 2.5 GPA or above, education, social work or psychology majors.

Pi Alpha Omega Chapter EAF Endowed Scholarship Fund

2.8 GPA or above, from Metro Atlanta area, acceptance letter for undergraduate college/university attending in Fall, demonstrated community service.

Portentous Twist of 46 AKA Alpha Chapter 1981 Fund

Male and female students, undergraduate, 2.5 GPA or above, must attend Howard University, reside in NA region.

Portia L. Trenholm Endowment Scholarship Fund

Male/female, undergraduate/graduate, 2.8 GPA or above, live in State of Alabama, attend HBCU in Alabama.

Psi Theta Omega Jannie Johnson Mitchell Endowment Fund

Metro Orlando female high school seniors pursuing undergraduate degree in STEM Field

Psi Zeta Omega – Smoky Mountains Pearls Endowment

Open to female and male students.

Rachel Ashburn Mallory Undergraduate Leadership Development Scholarship Fund

Member of AKA good standing, sophomor or junior status, attend college within GL region, 3.0 GPA or above, submit essay, available to attend Boule/Leadership.

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