Search Results

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Search Results

Kristel A. Johnson Endowment

Undergraduate, freshman/sophomore, children/grandchildren of Zeta Nu Omega members, male/female, 3.0 GPA or above.

L. H. Gilliam, Leadership Development

To provide support for undergraduates in the Mid-Atlantic Region to attend Boulé and Leadership seminars.

Deadline April 15

La Shawn R. Stanton Endowment Fund

Undergraduate, graduate, male, female, 2.5 GPA or above, STEM.

Ladies of the Lake Educational & Charitable Foundation/Tau Zeta Omega Endowment

Undergraduate students from Texas

Lambda Alpha Omega Chapter Endowment Fund

Full-time, must be currently enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution HBCU preferred, 2.5 gpa or higher, demonstrate community service activity and involvement.

Lambda Heritage Endowment Fund

Active member of Lamba Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. attending college or university OR active undergraduate member attending school in a Manhattan 4 year college or University

Lane College Endowment Fund

Undergraduate, male, female, attend Lane College, live in SE region, 2.5 GPA or above.

Larry & Carolyn Suarez Endowment for Business & Entrepreneurship

To support the education of students seeking a career in Business Administration and/or Entrepreneurship.

Larzette Golden Hale Wilson/Eva Lois Evans Fund for Graduate Research Fund

Undergraduate or graduate, female, member, research/writing fields.


Recipients should be a full-time, sophomore or beyond, currently enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution or accepted if applying as a graduate student, minimum 2.5 GPA, demonstrates community service and involvement, typically will not qualify for either merit-based or needs-based award, experiencing a financial shortfall and need support to pursue their education, and may also have success in athletic or artistic achievements and demonstrated leadership.

Deadline April 15

LaVern Swain Tarkington Endowed Fund

Education majors.

Laverna Williams Johnson Endowed Scholarship Fund

Undergraduate, from or atending college in Columbus, GA metro area, financial need, 3.0 (B) GPA or above, Gamma Tau Omega criteria.

Leadership Fellows Boule/Leadership Seminar Assistance Fund

Must be a Leadership Fellow within the last 5 years, Member of AKA, include an essay in 200 words or less explaining why you would like to receive financial support to attend Boule or Leadership Seminar.

Leadership Fellows Legacy Fund

Undergraduate, female, current Leadership Fellow, 3.0 GPA or above, member.

Leah’s Legacy Endowed Scholarship Fund

This endowment supports African American students enrolled in nationally accredited colleges, universities, and graduate schools. Applicants should demonstrate academic achievement, proven leadership, and be actively engaged in community activities and/or public service. The scholarship is open to sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students studying any discipline with a 3.5 GPA. A Letter highlighting the attributes must be submitted with the application.

Legacy of Pearls Endowment Fund (Lambda Pi Omega)

Sophomore or higher, African American, Metropolitan Detroit resident, 2.75 GPA or above at four year accredited college/university, 500 word essay on topic "What legacy will you leave for the next generation?"

Lelia Anderson Bradby Memorial Endowment Fund

Contact the Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. (1-800-653-6528) for more information.

Lillie King Lewis Fellowship

To provide assistance to undergraduate students majoring in physical/health education..

Deadline April 15

Linda Groomes Endowment Fund

Female students studying science, technology, engineering, arts, or mathematics

Linda Groomes Walton Scholarship Fund

To provide assistance to young women pursuing a degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).

Deadline April 15

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