Alpha Rho Undergraduate Endowment Fund
Female, male, undergraduate, 2.75 GPA or above, HBCU, live in South Central region.
Female, male, undergraduate, 2.75 GPA or above, HBCU, live in South Central region.
Female student, liberal arts or education major, 2.5 GPA or above, attend HBCU.
Female, undergraduate students, 2.5 GPA or above, from SC region.
2.5 GPA or above, from SC region.
Undergraduate, 2.5 GPA or above, attend HBCU in SE region, from SE region.
Undergraduate, attend HBCU in Alabama, 2.5 GPA or above.
Attend Prairie View A&M University, member, female, undergraduate, 2.5 GPA or above, physics, mathematics or computer science field.
Undergraduate, sophomore level or higher, attend college in SC region, member, 3.0 GPA or above.
Female, Undergraduate, member, 3.5 GPA or above, SC region, government, political science, public administration majors.
Open to Undergraduate and Graduate students.