Nancy G. Sewell South Eastern Region Endowed Scholarship
Undergraduate, member, from SE region, attend school in SE region.
Undergraduate, member, from SE region, attend school in SE region.
Undergraduate, female, enrolled at North Carolina Central or LeMoyne Owen College, 3.0 GPA or above, from MA or SE region.
Female, undergraduate, 2.5 GPA or above, attend HBC in SE region, can be high school senior attending HBCU in SE region.
Undergraduate, male, female, attend Lane College, live in SE region, 2.5 GPA or above.
2.5 GPA or above, undergraduate, from SE region.
Female, undergraduate, 3.0 GPA or above, member, attend HBCU in SE region.
Active member, SE region , elementary (teaching) education majors, B+ cumulative gpa or above.
Female, undergraduate, attend school in SE region, pre-law major, member.
Undergraduate, education major, 3.0 GPA or above, member, from SE region, demonstrated community and sorority service.
Undergraduate, member, attend school in SE region.