Joyce Green Barlow Endowment Fund
College bound, high school student, must major in nursing, undergraduate students, 2.75 GPA or above, must live or attend school in the states of Florida or Georgia.
College bound, high school student, must major in nursing, undergraduate students, 2.75 GPA or above, must live or attend school in the states of Florida or Georgia.
Sophomore level or higher, female, 3.0 GPA or above, active involvement in at least 2 campus/community organizations, essay required, 250 to 350 words, discuss goalds in the field of study and reason/need for seeking this financial award.
Member, Alpha Beta Chapter, 3.0 GPA or above, attend Fort Valley State University, communications major if attend other HBCU.
Undergraduate, 1st generation, African American, 3.0 GPA or above, from SA region.
Female, male students, undergraduate, 2.5 GPA or above, must reside or attend school in Georgia or Florida.
Female, undergraduate, 3.0 GPA or above, live or reside in the state of Georgia.
Applicant must be female.
Contact the Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. (1-800-653-6528) for more information.
Female, attend Savannah State College (GA), 3.0 GPA or above.
Students with 2.5 GPA from the South Atlantic Region. Students must show community service involvement. Students must submit an essay that centered around overcoming obstacles and being the BEST YOU even through adversity.