Idell Pugh Endowment Fund
NA region, undergraduate, African American, 2.7-3.4 GPA.
NA region, undergraduate, African American, 2.7-3.4 GPA.
Male/female, undergraduate/graduate, 2.7 GPA or above, reside in the States of MD, VA or District of Columbia.
Applicant must be from North Atlantic region.
Female, non-traditional, enrolled in college full-time.
Female, undergraduate, medicine major, member, live or reside in NA region.
Applicant must be African American.
Undergraduate/Graduate, 2.5 GPA or higher, in NA region.
Sophomore or beyond, creative writing/ journalism major.
Undergraduate, female student, STEM, educaxtion majors, member of AKA, 3.0 GPA or above, must live or reside in NA region.
Female graduate of a Newark, New Jersey high school who has completed one full year of post-high school education.