Gamma Rho Omega Chapter Scholarship Fund

Sophomore level or higher, female, 3.0 GPA or above, active involvement in at least 2 campus/community organizations, essay required, 250 to 350 words, discuss goalds in the field of study and reason/need for seeking this financial award.

2023-07-07T03:44:10-05:00July 7, 2023|

Claudia Silas Scholarship Fund

Undergraduate, female, 3.0 GPA or above, 30 credit hour minimum, education major, from SA region, essay, member or legacy, renewable.

2023-07-07T03:44:07-05:00July 7, 2023|

Carolyn G. Randolph BE the BEST YOU Fund

Students with 2.5 GPA from the South Atlantic Region.  Students must show community service involvement.  Students must submit an essay that centered around overcoming obstacles and being the BEST YOU even through adversity. 

2024-12-10T13:46:41-06:00July 7, 2023|