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The Nominating Committee of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. (EAF) is seeking nominations for the position of At-Large Director of the Board of Directors.  In accordance with the EAF Bylaws, the EAF Board is comprised of eleven (11) voting members.  Five (5) At-Large Directors are elected biennially by a majority vote of the regular members of the Foundation.  The Directors are elected for a two-year term and may be elected for one additional two-year term.  The nominee must be a member of EAF and AKA for three consecutive years (2021, 2022, 2023).  Nomination forms must be received in the EAF Office no later than 5:00 pm (CST) by the nomination deadline of December 31, 2023. (No faxes or emails).  The Nomination Form can be downloaded below.


Click here for Nomination Form

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